One of the devoting also proper to become deliberation from event of autoblackthrough that is competition in simulation runing on vehicles in high engine rotation at third transmission. Every loyal audience surely knew the arena meant. yup, Dyno Attraction is great fascination responded by contest participants to try maximally their ability from spur engine the car owned.
Positive things from every event held by Autoblackthrough, like in chance of this year begin opened some class to all owner that care their vehicle with activator four wheels (4wd) system. According to information collected from representation of Dyno crew , named Duddy, "The domination of Dyno Atttraction participants in this year, we can say, it's dominated by cars with 4WD, and according to information got, the participants from jogja is more spirit then in previous."
The nice news comes also from Dyno exhibition held in the middle of bright Autoblackthrough event. the mentioned is declared via a participant that try to register his car for the first time with activator of four wheels drive(4wd) system . For this new class, in Jogja is deputed by a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IV and in the match, for the first time Jeep class wrote a history note during on Autoblackthrough segment of Dyno Attraction.
The Challenge is given by Duddy for tuners from Yogyakarta in order be more creative in modifying cars. The matter meant by duddy that is variation to make cars that can fulfil artistic element but also it can take out horse power over on total one hundred.
Duddy add, "If it's seen from the comparison with the last year, actually, there are increasing, but by its horse power, there are no special things in this year, this is may be caused by modificator more up in artistic modification", he said.
Some participant cars in action in track of Dyno Attraction in the first day is opened by Honda Nova that hit number 140,5 hp, then the icon of Ferari Spyder M630 is still on highest chart with total horse power 319,5. Meanwhile, there is also new product from Japan named i-Charge that can increase engine performance. proved by Suzuki SX4, before using that tool, it recorded 59,8 hp, after adopted i-Charge, it become 66,9hp. value 136,4 hp is succeeded got by Mozza, the owner of Honda Nova drag race with airbrush motive on eksterior body. [nus/timabt
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