Monday, September 14, 2009
I've ever seen and surfed to other blog, and I got information and trick that I feel it's good enough for us. The way is absolutely easy and I think it's logical enough. I have been being doing it, obviously, the result is reasonable. For all of you who want to know how, just follow some step from me below
First, copy and paste the magic article. . . . . below
---------------------------- copy and paste begin from here ------------------------------
Please read it well then apply correctly. . . .
a philosophy says" Honesty is the Best Policy, this is we shall prove. . . .
can honesty we proceed to produce traffic and popularity greater than complex concept from expert webmaster or expert SEO. . ? . . .
I am sure it can if this concept run correctly. . . , if this way is applied in your web appropriate with the rule so:
-YOUR WEB will have been flooded by so many traffics extraordinarily, day by day, without thinking busyly about SEO or doing promotion to all place in the internet world.
-YOUR WEB will have been flooded by so many backlinks extraordinaryly day by day, without hunting busyly for links to all place in the internet world.
If Albert Einstein used formula e=mc2 to unite potentiality mass and velocity of light to produce the remarkable nuclear energy, so we shall use FORMULA t=v1+v2 to unite potentiality of my web and your web TO PRODUCE SO MANY TRAFFIC and popularity remarkably too.
If Albert Einstein used plutonium and uranium to make nuclear bomb, so we use honesty and precision to make traffic bomb and this popularity.
Things you need to do is just following steps below:
1. make article posting like this one, or copy-paste this posting/article and give this article a title like this: "t=v1+v2, THE WAY TO INCREASE TRAFFIC and POPULARITY FAST and NATURAL
2-Next, copy or make the MAGIC SENTENCE exist below of number 4 then apply it onto your web/blog (on widget/sidebar) in part that is easiest for visitor to see it, for example on the top sidebar:
3-Remove or change the link or URL address of my posting on(Right Here!-1) to replace URL address of my friend on (Right Here!-2).
-To know the URL address of my posting and your posting you, you can do it by clicking the posting title that we made.
4. Then, fill the URL address of your posting on (Right Here!-1) by following the steps below.
You publish the article/posting 2 times. First, after this posting is finished to be made then publish it, and then you click onthe posting title to copy the URL address of the posting from the address bar in your browser. Second, edit the posting again by replacing the URL with the URL you just copied onto (Right Here!-1).
This is the " magic sentence" necessary for you to apply it onto your web/blog part (on widget/sidebar after, you changed URL- appropriate with the rule above)
" You Want to increase traffic/ visitor and popularity on your web/blog fast and unlimited. . . ? . . .
Let me do it. . . , I will do it for you, Absoutely FREE. . . ! . . click on (Right Here!-1) and (Right Here!-2)"
-So after this "Magic Sentence" is placed onto your web/blog, if there are visitors clicking on (Right Here!-1), so it will go to you posting link, and if there are visitor clicking on (Right Here!-2), so it will go to My posting link. . . and so on. it will make a network link that will broken if you do appropriate with the rule. . .
5-Below, there are 2 links: your link (is my web link now that must be replaced with your posting link) and my link (is my friend web link now that must be replaced with my posting link). so replace (the URL address)" your link" with" link url of your posting" and " my link is with link url my web" (by replacing my friend link).
your posting link about this article to replace (Right Here!-1) URL
my posting link about this article to replace (Right Here!-2) URL
5-It's done, prepare a counter tracker and for example a link checker like sitemeter and technorati to see flood traffic result and linkback on your web/blog.
What is the t=v1+t2. . . ?
t: total traffic you will get on your web in one day
v1: your web visitor total in one day
v2: visitor total v1 owned (the visitor from you web visitor) in one day.
For example, my web/blog or your web/blog in a day has average visitor 50 visitors. . , and all our follower apply our concept (the Magic Sentence) correctly, and from the 50 visitors each of them has also 50 visitor from their web/blog-, so our web/blog has opportunity to be visited by 50 + (50 x 50) visitor on the day= 2550 visitor, and will has opporunity to increase it also day by day, because every day, there are always new visitors in the internet world. Every day, there are also new bloggers or new websites in the internet world. . . just prove it by yourself
For example, our web/blog has 50 visitor in a day, and all of them apply this concept, so in that day your web/blog will get 100 backlinks onto your web, that is a link in "Magic Sentence" and a link in my link by multiplying to 50. and it will has opportunity increasing unlimitedly day by day out. . . .
why it necessary make your link and my link in the posting. . . ?
. . . this matter is to watches over our link eternity, because as we know that the link in posting has littler possibility to be erased. . . .
Warning!: Do not be cheated or manipulated this rule because this concept will not be maximal to prove the "Honesty is best strategy/policies". . . . . but I am sure that all of us do not want to break down our credibility by doing the action like such thing. . .
--------------------------------- finished ------------------------------------------
After you did the way, you are pleased also by improvisation making with overall pattern of my posting, giving a little welcome words or courtesy like on this posting. or Bla....bla....bla....
And then, add this advertisement onto your web/blog, for example like below (if you are still confused of newbie, just copy and paste the code below onto your blog on top side widget)
"You Want to increase traffic/ visitor and popularity onto your web/blog quickly and unlimited. . . ? . . .
Let me do it!. . . , I will do it for you, Absoutely for FREE. . . ! . . click (Right Here!-1) and (Right Here!-2)"
If you have any questions or are confused about this Formula, please leave a comment or contact us to
. . . . good luck. . .
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